Blogging Tips for Beginners

Some years ago, when blogging had started gaining popularity, I was one of the many people who decided to try my hand at it. Though I posted a few articles…

Blogging Vs. Journalism

The debate about blogging vs journalism is still on. Bloggers claim their blogs are a rich source of information as well as entertainment on the Internet and fit exactly within…

Blogging – The Retrogression

It seems to me that people are beginning to get dumber and dumber. This is a surprising transformation especially now that we have all this wonderful technology at our disposal.…

What Does Blog Stand For

Every person who uses the Internet today knows what a blog is, but have you ever wondered what exactly does the word ‘blog’ stand for? There have been various full…

How to Promote Your Blog

A blog, short of web log, is an outgrowth of the power of expression and reach, that Internet technology offers the individual users. People have a right of expression and…

WordPress Vs. Blogger

Number of people have taken to blogging in a big way these days. Each one of them has a different reason to start off with a blog. For some it…

What is a Blog and How Does it Work

Blogs are great platforms that have enabled people to voice their opinions, express their ideas, thoughts, experiences and knowledge on a common rostrum. Today, blogging has become an integral part…

Good Blogs Always Begin as a Labor of Love

Blogs are created for a number of reasons. Some people simply want to have their voices heard and their thoughts shared with the public. Others are trying to sell something…

How to Start a Blog and Make Money

If you are not doing on the Internet what the whole world is doing, then you face the fear of being socially ridiculed in the cyber world. Guess what I…

How to Import Your Blog into Facebook

The impact that Facebook has over the world today, can be gauged by the fact that President Obama himself chose to visit the social networking site’s headquarters recently. With more…

Website Vs. Blog – What to Choose?

If it’s a quick answer that you’re looking for, then a blog is actually a non-static (dynamic) website that you can use without much or even any knowledge of programming,…

Creating a Blog for Your Business

With a whole world hanging out in the virtual space, it’s time businesses also get there, to make most of the Internet wave. Creating a blog is an excellent way…

How Greed Nearly Caused the Downfall of Blogging

Blogs, blogs, blogs. Everyone has a blog. But why? Is everyone a terrific writer (no), a deep thinker (no), a fount of new ideas? No. So just what, then, motivates…

Most Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make

Did you know? Justin Hall published the first blog ever in the year 1994. Since, then blogging has come a long way. Today, there are more than 31 million blogs…

Tips for Starting Your Own Travel Blog

A picture is worth a thousand words! A travel blog without photos is not attractive. Each post needs to be accompanied with at least one spectacular photograph so that people…

Who Invented the World Wide Web?

“Hey sis, can you tell me who invented the thermometer?” Joel asked his sister, Isabel. “I need to make a project for school”. “Why don’t you try the searching the…

What is the World Wide Web

Every web address that you enter in your web browser begins with ‘WWW’, which is an acronym for ‘World Wide Web’. You are bound to be curious about what it’s…

What is the Invisible Web and How We Can Find It

Most of us are very good in surfing the Internet, but the truth which many of us don’t know is, we are just skimming the surface of the web! Yes,…